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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  October 22, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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it was down for a while and now it is flat as a board. we will be back tonight for the fox report ahead of the debate and who is up now, neil cavuto is here in boca raton with new coverage on that. >>neil: thank you very much, there is a debate tonight. you her it here first. this is the last of the four debates, the third of the presidential debates, fittingly in the state of florida where the 29 electoral votes are tempting, a debate that will focus on foreign policy. but do not be surprised if economic policy serves into the discussion. i am talking about governor scott of this fine state. and providing good weather, too. >> all about jobs, you have to win florida, governor romney will seal the deal tonight. >>neil: you think he should
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bring up the economy? >>guest: it is like my race in 2010. it is all about jobs. what we have done, they need to do federally, is cut taxes and reduce regulation. the right foreign policy is to have a good economic policy. i have done six trade missions around the globe, got another coming up, but it will all be jobs. >>neil: you talk about the improvement in florida and unemployment was over 10 percent, and you have knocked two full percentage points off of it but who will get the credit? you do not care about these things but the worry in the romney cap is that if you are not careful the president will. >>guest: we had the biggest drop of unemployment of any state, almost 160,000 private sector jobs since i have become governor. the republican policies of lower taxes, less regulation, treating businesses like you like them, that will get the rid. governor romney is like me, a business guy, he knows how to create jobs, i do believe he will seal the deem tonight and
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it will be about jobs. >>neil: how is it looking in your state? the polls show from dead even to two or three points favoring the gore. how do you see it? >>guest: i traveled state each day and i talk to those in florida and they care about jobs. there is a lost energy for governor romney. they like his land to get jobs going. they know it is the biggest issue we have in the country. they know what we have done here, so our state will go romney because it is all about jobs. >>neil: we are seeing a shift, more latinos voting for mitt romney, more young people voting for mitt romney in this state, again, these are developments unique to florida because they do know show up in other states and we will get into this later in the show. what do you make of that? and how important is the latino vote to mitt romney? >>guest: very important. every vote counts.
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in our state i ran on a campaign, seven steps to seven jobs over seven years. all i have talked about is jobs. they know what we have done works. so they will support governor romney. he knows the same thing. >>neil: that is what he has to do tonight? he has to keep emphasizing jobs, everything comes back to jobs. >>guest: it all comes back to jobs. >>neil: how do you discuss foreign policy? >>guest: it should be predictable. business people invest. if we want more jobs, we have to have a foreign policy that is predictable so businesses comfortable investing in america or another country. we have a logical consistent foreign policy. >>neil: governor, this is not meant at a slap but i see mitt romney travel the state he is with jeb bush, a former governor, and not with you and someone said it is like are the elephant who is not in the room.
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what is the deal with that? >>guest: the convention i had a talk at the convention and we joked about governor perry. >>neil: despite your inroads and the improvement you have seen your approval rating itself is not gang busters, still in the 40's. >>guest: we are doing well. >>neil: you do not think they are avoiding you. >>guest: i was with governor romney on saturday night. we had a great fundraiser for him right here in palm beach. he is doing great. he will do great tonight. he will explain, why, again, there are two paths, his path to more job and president obama's path of fewer jobs. i have a great relationship with governor romney. >>neil: thank you very much, governor, you have been a wonderful host. i want you to look at something as we spoke to the governor and
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he john mccain was mobbed and now they are getting his thoughtses on this race. this state and the fact that he won it four years ago, that turned things around for john mccain and he went on to win the republican nomination but did not do so well in the general election. fair and balanced from that, and the democratic senator from the fine state of rhode island, senator reed, good do have you. >>neil: senator, we know libya will come up, and you are on record as saying now is not the time now is not the time to put together an inquiries that the results will be out before the election. where does the party stand on this? the cynic in me says maybe they waiting to get this stuff out after the election. where do you stand?
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>>guest: the president was clear the day after the terrible attack this was an act of terror and he has vowed successfully to pursue those economy committed it as he did with bin laden. if the meantime, secretary of state, hillary clinton has appointed ambassador pickerring, respected by all sides in washington, to get to the bottom of this and not only this a public way but, also, using classified information so that, first, we can find out exactly what happened. there is still some confusion. second, to ensure that we don't have this situation repeat ourselves and put our diplomats in excessive danger. >>neil: senator, it could be in the end, senator, a battle of semantics, an act of terrorism is not the same as saying terrorist act and the fact the agent was not coming out with the same view of the events in
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benghazi leads some to think they were not on the same page and that was led by the budget who did not want to call it a terror attack. do you think that is a legitimate point to bring tonight and the fact that the administration seems to be every day confusing folks about this? that one day it looks all right, it is a drift attack but then our military drones are in the area and they witnessed and it didding in to stop. what do you think? >>guest: the president said in hours of the attack it was an act of terror. you are right, this is semantics. the american people understand an act of terror is something that is directed against the united states, against our best interests. >>neil: but what confused them , senator, the act of terror, whatever you call it, was precipitated by a film on mohammed and not something pre-planned which gets into the weeds but cuts to the heart of
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the administration's argument that it was being disingenuous with the american people. >>guest: will, i don't think so. when the president was this in the rose garden september 12 talking about the deaths of the ambassador and his security detail he made it clear i was an act of terror that we were looking for the culprits. we will bring them to justice. we have to reconstruct the seen to determine who is sponsible go after them. that is what he will do. that is what he has done pursuing terrorists all overtime globe, taking down bin laden. >>neil: you do not think harry reid has been inconsistent and different people in the administration are saying different things leading to the notion this is a confused foreign policy and now we have the wrinkle of drones studying and videotaping the attack so, obviously, were more was known
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about events that warrants the call for an immediate investigation that is not tabled until after the election. >>guest: the investigation is ongoing. i cannot thing a more respected person than ambassador pickerring, he, personally, because of his service as ambassador, understands the risks our diplomatic personnel have. he will not be casual or dictated to by politics and he will be able to, in a very careful way, look at classified information. what were the drops doing? what information were they relaying? where did it go? he will not compromise the safety of our diplomats or intelligence personnel. >>neil: thank you very much, senator. >> we will hear great john mccain on all of this. her ands the room and it is like he is a beatle. we will hear later on fox
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business, senator rubio and sarah palin and one of the people who signed on to the letter from executives to president obama to voters across the country that this is not a very friendly administration to business. now at look at the spin room behind me, they are doing some spinning very early, the spinning now is the way it is after a debate. but we are before the debate. i think it has something to do with the crowds gravitating to me. but, possibly it could be about the fellow who is about 4' away from me: john mccain is next. [ female announcer ] the next generation of investing technology is now within your grasp with the e-trade 360 investing dashboard. e-trade 360 is the world's first investing homepage that shows you where all your investments are and what they're doing with free streaming quotes, news, analysis
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>>neil: the debate tonight involve as table. it involves not since we have seen biden and ryan going after each other, and we have john
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mccain now joining us. what do you think of that kind of venue? >>guest: it is fine. >>neil: does it make a difference to you whether you were standing or sitting down? >>guest: i would rather be standing. you are nervous. it does not matter that much. bob schieffer is an experienced, he is my age, he is experience experienceed. we were together in the spanish-american war. so --. i think mitt romney needs to appear presidential. obama is trying to paint him as the guy -- it will be reminiscent of the carter and reagan debate on foreign policy. he will try to paints him as a hawk but, look, i don't know how the president defends his record. i don't know how he defends what has happened in libya. i don't know how he defends the unravelling of iraq with a return of al qaeda and iranian
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arms flying over iraq from bashar al-assad. he said the surge would not work and now it is una vetoing and we have lost 4,000 brave young americans. it is unravelling. what about the reset with russia? how is that going? or the fact in syria they massacre people and we will not even give them the arms. >>neil: you mixed russia before and romney said russia and he could be proven right, now, but what do you think of that? the president will pounce on that. >>guest: what mitt romney was saying the greatest threat is radical islamic extremists which is a net to everything. the young girl in pakistan they pulled off a bus and shot because she wanted to go to school. this is the biggest threat.
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he was also talking about the behavior of putin which has been, really, ridiculous. pew tip abrogated the nunn-lieu gar treaty, a treaty that has been in for at least two decades, both countries worked together to reduce the nuclear stockpile. >>neil: that was thought by a vote you walked away from. >>guest: he walked away from it. >>neil: if you are governor romney, senator, and on the libyan think, many say that the president got the better of him on the act of terror versus terrorists or whatever. how does he make up for that? what does he say? >>guest: he clears it up. the president is either ignore rants or deceiving the american people willfully. we know there was no demonstration. we know heavy weapons, mortars, were used.
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rocket propelled grenades. there was real time video. the station chief there in benghazi reported that it was an orchestrated al qaeda affiliated attack. six days later they sent out susan rice, the more embarrassing moments anyone has said. she was just carry the message. the white house and they said that the c.i.a. gave the talking points, the c.i.a. doesn't give talking points they give intelligence estimates. it is the white house. >>neil: they said the republics were cutting back on embassy staff. how do you think that goes tonight? >>guest: if he brings it up, it had nothing to do with it. nothing. there was plenty of money to take care of our priorities. the last message that the ambassador sent we needed more security at the consulate. >>neil: do you think this will be, senator, he said this, he said this and confuse people. so people are saying mitt romney
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maybe this is your chance to use the economy although it is foreign policy debate, and argue about the national security. >>guest: he will. but, also, it is important, the facts are stubborn things. there were two attacks on the embassy before. and then the actual attack. disgrace any the president and his people claim it was a spontaneous demonstration? this is outrageous insult to the american people. he can do both. the most important thing is mitt romney, like ronald reagan when he debated jimmy carter, has to show the american people peace through strength but not peace through con problem station. do you see the difference? it is very important. america never got into a conflict because we were too strong. >>neil: do you worry in a country where the appetite foe getting our boys and women in 14 countries is ending that could be a bad argument?
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>>guest: peace through strength. you gain peace by being strong. >>neil: you think the president abandoned that? >>guest: leading from behind has shown the result of the rise of al qaeda and the continued violence that impose on there, relations with russia, israel hasn't been worse. four years. no progress with iran. wherever you look, failure. >>neil: you are working harder now than you were four years ago? >>guest: four years ago i had an airplane, all kinds of people around me and now i have my bag, i got group d on southwest, that makes me mad. >>neil: now you can finally board. >>guest: you get the metal seat, it is wonderful. >>neil: no one has worked harder. always a pleasure, sir, thank you very much. john mccain. when we come back, a guy behind
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all of the debates. say what you will, they have been captivating both sides riveted. my next guest is the reason behind that. [ male announcer ] do you have the legal protection you need?
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>>neil: this is the spin room at each debate site what has them and the desks where you see the reporters, there are a couple of hundred reporters, probably more.
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this is a bit smaller venue than in the other presidential debates. and now, mike, what do you see going on in the spin room ahead time? you see the surrogates from all the campaigns come out. this guy is playing solitaire, but, outside of that, everyone is glued on this. my point is i have mike mccurry here and he knows what is at state. the former clinton spokesman, one of people would has been making the debates possible. you have done a great job. >> they have been what we wanted, a lively engagement, more substance and more back-and-forth conversation. >>neil: how about getting rid of moderators? >> they have done a fine job but when the two candidates are talking about the issues and the moderators backs off and says this is your debate, that is the
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idea. >>neil: you heard about the dust up with candy crowley. your thoughts? >>guest: someone said she unnecessarily was fact checking but my view having the heard th, both candidates were repeating the same thing, she said, okay, you said it let's move on. that was my opinion. >>neil: was that her role? i don't want to go over territory. >>guest: we were elastic in describing her role. we did not get into the back and forth. >>neil: any news from the camps this time? >>guest: we have seen both of them and they have done their walk throughs, the conversations with both campaigns have been cordial, and the first one in
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denver had six segments. >>neil: does sitting at a table make a difference? >>guest: i think so, you cannot get in his face and punch him out. >>neil: came close with the vice presidential. what is your sense of what the debates are moving the needle or just crystallize things. >>guest: my sense is there are not so many undecided votes a votes that were more up for grabs. >>neil: will the foreign policy do it? >>guest: foreign policy debate is tough because most americans, i am a san francisco giants fan and there is an alternative. but they hear the candidates talking about the broad themes of what is our role in the world? what should we be doing with the enormous economic --. >>neil: so the economy should come up? >>guest: we we -- my old boss, bill clinton --.
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>>neil: respond to pick big earlier. >> given the stuff he said for two years running for president and the real record of the president, this shouldn't be erased, the only reason it is, is that americans are impatient and want things done day before yesterday and they all to understand, they don't understand why the economy is not great. >>neil: he was trying to say the reason why this is going slow . >>guest: that sounds like a white house press secretary, what the president meant to say. >>neil: what do you thick -- think of that? it takes time. >>guest: it takes time. >>neil: he didn't say that about george bush sr.? >>guest: you have a 24/7 news cycle people get anxious and they see an acceleration of their expectations. >>neil: he was trying to sayen should "chill." >>guest: and look at the long term. remember if his campaign he talked about building the bridge
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to the 21st century. he was looking at it long term. what will make a difference in the long term? there is a short-term desire to see quit job growth and lots of new growth but you have to put in place fundamentals. >>neil: now, where they are now, you have to get ready for this big shindig, they are even in likability, even in terms of americans seeing them if competence so is there more pressure on the for the disavoid people of the notion this guy next to him is equal or better? >>guest: any problem running if re-election the first referendum on the job you have done and where are you going in the next four years. remember, at the end, it is less what you have done and more on where you are headed. he has to make the case.
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i dough have a positive economic vision and i have a sense of america's role in the world and it will play out in a way that will help you, the membership. you have to make that argument. he towns to the other guy and says, beside, you want him, instead of me? and then it is the choice that the debates force upon the viewers about our citizens. >>neil: it be get angry? >>guest: hard to predict. >>neil: four years now will they bring weapons to debates? >>guest: the good news is there will be no question there will be debates now years from now. it wasn't always true. every presidential candidate would be required to debate or felt required to debate but now the commission on presidential debate has made that happen and that is good for all us. >>neil: you have paid them entertaining and that is a great public service. >>guest: they should be informing and entertaining. >>neil: i go for entertaining. thank you, mike mccurry.
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you can argue should this or this come out, but everyone talks about it and i don't remember that in the past as to this degree. i remember them from the past. now we have the home depot co-founder on what he thinks is at staking in to do with foreign policy yet everything to do with foreign policy. so you say men are superior drivers?
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>>neil: when i see that with all the reporters i think it is a pbs telethon and maybe if mitt romney becomes president he will need that but i think they are giving up umbrellas depending on your pledge but it is the spin room for the final debate and a very busy spin room. i don't think i have seen it this busy prior to the debate. usually it is busy after the debate with the march of the wooden soldiers. they are all making their case and it looks like long island new york congressman peter king. sometimes they just hang out to see if anyone wants do talk to them and no one does, sometimes, they will wait and wait and wait and no one comes up to talk to them. we will see. here in boca raton at lynn
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university, getting a chance to host another big debate, and this is pretty big. this was also something pretty big, today, in "usa today" a letter to the american people from some of the richest most successful business investment interests on the planet, effectively making a call for a change in leadership if this country to change the tone of this country. before you vote on election day thing about the kind of country we are creating for ourself and coming generations. is it a country that demeans business owners by saying you did fought build that or will it protect free enterprise and allow everyone to per sewer -- pursue their highest aspirations. we have jack welch and on and on and on, and the former co-founder of home depot and the other cofounder of home depot was not signing on to this. i don't know why.
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bernie marcus is joining us right now. were you asked to sign this? >> the truth is i was asked to sign it and i said yes and they didn't put my name down. maybe it is a jewish thing. i'm not sure. >>neil: you are not on here. >>guest: either way i'm not on there but i should have been on there because business is not politics. it is not republican. it is not democrat. it is business. we have seen the last 3 1/2 years this administration is not friendly to business so that means it is not friendly to creating jobs. you can read it anyway you want. in speaking to businessmen all over the country, and i do, i speak to a lot of these people, they are terrified about the next four years and they should be, rightfully so. they worried about obamacare. theater filed about that. i use the word "terrify" i mean
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it. most do not have a clue what they are going to do. they know with dodd-frank many of the community banks are going to be out of business. they will remain with just a big giant on wall street. there are so many issues out there that the small business guy is worried about and that is why we don't have jobs in america. simple as that. you do not have to be a rocket scientist which some of these people obviously think you can and great speeches don't do it. you have to be able to change the regulations, get the e.r.a. off people's back and get the i.r.s. off people's backs and the nlrb off people's backs and jobs will be created. >>neil: you can look at the list and say these are not small or medium size business guys, these are titans, guys like yourself who have a lot of bucks, a good many of them are
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billionaires. we have quite a few but suffice it to say that most of them are the cream of the crop, right? so, it is almost like an ad in a cream of the crop loves mitt romney so that could cut both ways, right? you could say, well, they have their nose out of joint with the president who they say does not represent or fairly depict them so it could boomerang and the president could say well if i had to pick anyone off i am okay doing that with these guys but i'm looking out for you guys. how should mitt romney respond to that? >>guest: well, these are the only people that have the access to the media. small guy that owns three restaurants, you don't think if a million years he will get on your show or get into the "wall street journal" or "new york times" or anywhere else. he has no voice. that is why we started something
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called the job creatures alliance representing the small business people. they do not have a voice. someone has to speak to them. look, i remember when i was a small business guy back in 1978 and 1979 we started home depot and we went through all of these problems. i remember five or six years living through, worry about paying the bills, worrying about paying the light, cut the air conditioning off in the middle of the day to save money to pay our bills. i republican all of those things. i have not forgotten. moist of those people had the same kind of spent so we are representing, really, what the small business guy is going through who right now as i said to you, who is he going to talk to? no one will listen to them? no one will be interested, a man who has 150 people working for him, he doesn't have a lobbyist in washington taking his case before the congress. he doesn't have people who go do bat for him.
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he struggles each day to make his bills and keep the 150 people he has working on his staff. he is concerned because let me tell you what they have told me, when obamacare comes down the pike they will let go people. if they are unionized they will let go of people. many of them have no plan whatever --. >>neil: bernie, in this environment, could do you what you did then? if you had to start home depot now in this environment, you started in a tough environment then could you do the same now? >>guest: no. there is no way. i could give you details about it but i can tell you there is no way that home depot could ever be what it is today. it has 300,000 employees and i am not with home depot anymore, i resigned in 2002 but i can tell you there are 300,000 people that would not have jobs today if we had the same environment and tried to start
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the home depot today. that is a tragic thing to talk about. it is terrible. this is with we are leaving for our children, now, and if we have three more years, four more years of this administration with their philosophies, home depots will not be able to grow. it will happen on the internet --. >>neil: i do want to say, he is what is remarkable about home depot, you started this and you were not remotely handy. you had not a handy cell in your body which i admire all the more. >>guest: why do you have to tell people about that? >>neil: i 2409, if i started an italian restaurant chain, president will say that figures you but when you started it you did not know a philips screwdriver from a...a flat head. >>guest: my father was a
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wonderful cabinet maker and he was from russia and he could make anything and he was too good for me. when i tried to help he would say, please, i'll do it myself. >>neil: bernie marcus a pleasure. just ribbing you, my friend, an american success story, one of the most successful ever in the world of business and not a handy bone in his body. we will have a business leader who did sign the letter joining me on fox business network tonight loaded up and ready to go and then we will have the commander of the "uss cole" and what he wants to hear, spoken tonight, in the final debate. in america tay we're running out of a vital resource we need
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>>neil: in boca raton,
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florida, the big subject tonight will be what did the president know about libya, and what did our security sources know or dismiss knowing to our peril? a republican from michigan was telling martha earlier today that we should remember what the 9/11 commission said, that because there was in action immediately after the "uss cole" attack that killed 13 soldiers it emboldened al qaeda and led to something called 9/11 and the fellow on the opposite screen knows about that, the former commander of the "uss cole" and, sir, good to have you. what do you make of that in we to get to the bottom of that and the sooner the better. >>guest: he is absolutely right. we saw because there was no response to the attack on the ez colt, it emboldened terrorists it feel they could operate with impunity, they could attack and kill mens and damage american interests across the globe and
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we would it is back and react to it treat it as a criminal event can say we will work it out. it will be interesting how it will be framed in the debate tonight. >> now, assuming it is a big chunk of the debate tonight, it is divided into six segments like the first debate but they are sitting down, i don't know if that lessons the tension, but there you go, how would you advice mitt romney to deal with this? by general consensus, the view was last time he botched it. what do you think he should do? >>guest: he should do exactly what he did correctly in the last one and that is sit down and articulate to the american people where this president has failed on foreign policy over and over and over. the cap stone being how he is handling libya right now with the different versions that we are getting with the disassembling from the staff. >>neil: commander, he will say
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, you are saying i didn't call it a terrorist attack, but appear act terror, this is sell man ticks, i was aware this was terror perpetrated on us why are we arguing about skit your response would be what? >>guest: it is not the facts of what was said. the reality if you look at mindset you created for our nation and the department of state and how they have dealt across the world, you thought a major speech to the muslim world in cairo and they would all open up to us and become our friends. look what happened. we turns our back on arab spring growth in iran and nothing has averaged. they continue to pursue nuclear weapons. you look at the countries that is fallen across the arab world today, and most of them have become even morants american. you have created the perception of weakness across the arab world. we are no longer respected and it looks like we can be attacked and killed with impunity. that is not leadership. that is failure.
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that is what president mitt romney or soon-to-be, hopefully, president mitt romney should say. >>neil: commander, always a pleasure, thank you very much. >>guest: great to be on. >>neil: oddly enough in the state of florida, 29 electoral votes so surprised by each candidate in a tight race but something unique is happening here. mitt romney has been making gains with latinos and women, it is particularly note worthy in this state of florida, hard to say why, but we do know that among independents, among latinos and among women, the inroads that the republican candidate has made have been particularly pronounced. whether that translates into a victory and mitt romney getting the 29 electoral votes is anyone's guest but a fellow who could argue the opposite, it is not his one state just yet but the florida d congressman will
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join me shortly on the break down of the vote here and what is going on with folks here after this. [ male announcer ] there are only so many foods that make kids happy. and even fewer that make moms happy too. with wholesome noodles and bite sized chicken, nothing brings you together like chicken noodle soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> neil: what is it about florida >> now reports of a letter going out warning people they might not be eligible to vote. we don't know how many letters went out. the letterhead of the supervisor of election office of the division of elections. that that office has denied they're responsible for the letters. the secretary of state, republican, appointed by rick scott the governor said simply nothing from their office that would have allowed this. the romney campaign reacting quickly. "our campaign is concerned
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with the situation. monitoring it closely. if anyone believes they received a lost, contact the local election official in the election department." joining us is ted duetsche, what do you make of this? >> guest: this is concerning. it sounds an awful lot like the letters that our governor and secretary of state intended to send out to 180,000 voters when he moved forward on the voter purge. when we pointed out and others got involved that show there were eligible voters, tens of thousands of eligible voters that plan went away. the governor went through it. i don't know what this is. >> neil: this letter states that the person who getting in has only 15 days to respond or they must prove citizenship. it's all bogus and not true. >> listen, that was the same thing with the voter purge. the governor intended to move forward on, that was also bogus. that's why he went through it. it finds out like it could be
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fall-out. >> neil: much ado about nothing. not a big deal at all. a few went out, romney campaign trying to get in front of it. it's stupid. on top of it. own of story. >> neil: it's not stupid. we don't know how many went out. not stupid for a guy that gets an election this close to the election, telling them they're not elig to believe vote. the most important responsibility we have to make sure people can vote. >> neil: what is it about florida and this stuff in either somebody had problems voting, or there are scanning issues or chad issues? >> guest: in this election, the problems first started with voters first and then -- >> neil: it was also trying to address illegal come to vote and others who had no right to vote. >> guest: that was it -- >> neil: there are a bit more people, not a mess when it comes to this. >> guest: as long as we do everything we can to make sure people understand the ill-fated attempt at the voter
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purge was wrong and the governor gets out in front of that. the plan that the republicans had where they hired the people to do the voter registration, where there was a problem there, fraud there. >> neil: everything is on the up-and-up now. right now, this state is swinging more to mitt romney. it could change. do you think it will change? >> guest: the state will be won or lost by what happens on the ground. obama campaign has 103 field offices, well-trained, professionals. >> neil: it's not working libe a charm for him. they're behind. that could change. >> guest: the polls don't show effort on the ground. the polls show people they talk to. >> neil: true. you feel better if your guy was on top? >> guest: there have been polls all over the place. that's what i do know is we have an evident to move forward and make sure people understand the difference to be the candidate. >> neil: thanks. tight breaking news. we'll have more from the spin room after this.
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